This year Easter Sunday coincides with April Fools’ Day – a theme that David Newton explores in this short piece which appeared in the local village magazine, the Caldecote Journal, and is reproduced here. (more…)
In this sermon preached on Palm Sunday, the Revd David Newton asks why we should keep Holy Week special. (more…)
Everyone is invited as we join with our sister churches (Toft and Comberton) at St Mary’s Comberton for a 7.30pm Holy Communion service on Maundy Thursday with traditional foot washing.
You are warmly invited to join us for this special Good Friday service of quiet reflection at Childerley Chapel on Good Friday at 2pm, with the Revd David Newton. (more…)
Everyone is welcome for our Easter Day family service at 11am in St Michael’s, led by our new vicar the Revd David Newton. (more…)
We’re looking for two or three (or more!) volunteers to help us maintain the churchyard by mowing and strimming – many hands make light work, so if you think you can help do get in touch. (more…)
Our mobile phone app has been having technical difficulties which the app company is struggling to fix despite their best efforts. (more…)
Don’t forget to turn your clocks forward Saturday night. You’ll lose an hour’s sleep but the days are getting longer and spring is finally on its way! (more…)
Join us to celebrate Palm Sunday with the Revd David Newton this Sunday, March 25th, at 11am in St Michael’s Caldecote. (more…)
At 28 days into our Caldecote Lent Challenge email series, we’ve compiled an index of the Challenges by subject, Word of the Day and Music of the Day.