February Newsletter

Dear Friends,

What are our expectations for the year ahead? Those of us who are rugby fans may have high expectations ahead of the new 6 Nations tournament – will our team raise the trophy this year?  As a lifelong Welsh rugby fan, my hope is that we will not be awarded the wooden spoon – again! And there is always the tantalising hope that Wales will triumph once more! As Christians, what are our expectations of Jesus? What do we want from him? Last month during our Sunday services, I invited you to look to Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). This year, together, we will focus on his life and ministry with the expectation that as we learn more from Jesus’s example, we will draw inspiration and strength from him, enabling us to change and grow, and deepen our faith.

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!
Instagram: @lordsbridge_team
Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in February

Sunday 2 February Candlemas
11:00am Holy Communion with Revd Clare

Sunday 9 February
11:00am Morning Prayer with Stephen Coates

Sunday 16 February
3:00pm Evening Prayer with Revd Clare

Sunday 23 February
No service

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.

What’s On

Useful Contacts

Churchwarden: Stephen Coates; caldecotechurchwarden@gmail.com

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org

January Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! At the beginning of a new year, many of us make resolutions and set new goals for the year ahead. Maybe we plan to eat healthier, exercise more and get fit. Or maybe take up a new hobby. Or spend more time with our loved ones. All good goals! We may also take time to look ahead: what are our expectations as the new year begins? What are our spiritual goals for 2025? 2024 was, for many of us, a very challenging year and our experiences have shown us that anything and everything can happen, both good things and bad. We don’t know what journey God is taking us on this year. But we can be certain that God who calls us is faithful and promises always to be with us. As we settle into this New Year, whether we have set goals or not, let’s endeavour to step out in faith, seeking God and following Him wherever He calls us to. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus, and draw strength and joy from knowing that whatever happens, he will always be walking with us.

Wishing you and your family a very happy, joyful, love filled and peaceful New Year.

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in January

Sunday 5 January Epiphany
11:00am Holy Communion with Revd Clare

Sunday 12 January
11:00am Morning Prayer with Stephen Coates

Sunday 19 January
3:00pm Evening Prayer with Revd Clare

Sunday 26 January
No service

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.

What’s On

Useful Contacts

Churchwarden: Stephen Coates; caldecotechurchwarden@gmail.com

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org

December Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Christmas is a wonderful time of year and a special time for families and friends to meet up and spend time together, to have fun and enjoy each other’s company. We warmly invite you to join with us during this Christmas time, and there’s lots going on! Our annual Carols by candlelight is on Sunday 8 December, at 4pm, followed by seasonal refreshments: the perfect way to start the Christmas season!  And on Christmas Day, all are most welcome to join us for a family Holy Communion at 11am in Childerley Chapel, Childerley Hall.

Jesus’s birth was a moment of great wonder, beauty and joy in uncertain and difficult times. We too are living in such times. The world feels a far more dangerous place, with the ongoing war in Ukraine and Gaza, and many other places around the world. Yet even in the worst of times, we have seen an unbroken tradition, celebrating Jesus’s birth. The Christmas story reminds us however afraid and worried and anxious we may feel, we can all experience a renewed sense of hope and joy that our saviour Jesus has been born. Jesus was the greatest gift ever given! A gift of unconditional love and forgiveness, and hope for a better tomorrow. God sent His son as a tiny, vulnerable baby into an ordinary family, at a difficult and dangerous time, to help us find our way home to Him. Jesus is the living hope that God is with us, no matter what.

I pray that you and your family a very joyful, happy and peace filled Christmas and a very happy New Year.

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

1 December11.00amHoly Communion led by Revd ClareSt Michael and All Angels Church
8 December4.00pmCandlelit Carol Service, followed by seasonal refreshmentsSt Michael and All Angels Church
15 December3.00pmEvening PrayerSt Michael and All Angels Church
25 December11.00amChristmas Day Family Holy Communion led by Revd ClareChilderley Chapel, Childerley Hall

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.

What’s On

Useful Contacts

Churchwarden: Stephen Coates; caldecotechurchwarden@gmail.com

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org

November Newsletter

Dear Friends,

At this time of year, we are turning our thoughts once more to all those from our communities who lost their lives in service of our country. For many of us, Remembrance Sunday is also an opportunity to reflect, and remember those known personally to us who served during World Wars I and II, and in all conflicts since. Our thoughts and prayers are also with all those who are caught up in wars around the world today: Ukraine; the Middle East, Gaza, Lebanon, and Isreal; Ethiopia; DRC; South Sudan; Yemen; Somalia.  We pray that “justice will roll down like waters” as the Old Testament prophet Amos put it (in Amos 5:24) and that God will be with us as we strive for peace. We especially pray that all people on the side of good, justice and peace will prevail; and all wrong doers will fail. We will be remembering and honouring all those who have served their country and we will be thinking of those who are suffering due to violence and conflicts today. All are most welcome to join us at our Remembrance Day Service on Sunday 10 November at the Peace Garden starting at 10:50am, and we will remember all those from this village who gave their lives for this country.

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in November

Sunday 3 November
11:00am Holy Communion with Revd Clare.

Sunday 10 November
10:50am We will be gathering at the peace garden to lay wreaths and hold an act of remembrance, followed by a service in the village hall, led by Churchwarden Stephen Coates.

Sunday 17 November
3:00pm Evening Prayer, with Revd Clare.

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.

What’s On

Tuesday Toddlers in the Cabin (St Mary’s, Hardwick)  
All welcome to join us for free play, craft, story and fun!

Useful Contacts

Churchwarden: Stephen Coates; caldecotechurchwarden@gmail.com

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org

October Newsletter

Dear Friends,

We have been celebrating the season of creation over the last few weeks in our church life. Creation season is a time dedicated to God as creator and sustainer of all life. It is a time when we are called to pay special attention to our own responsibility for the earth and for all that lives on it. It is an especially good time for us to give thanks to God for our beautiful world, and to renew our commitment to caring for our planet. Here in Caldecote we are committed to maintaining our beautiful, rural churchyard sensitively and more sustainably, and we are grateful to all who help us look after it. Many of us already make a wide range of lifestyle choices, reflecting our own personal commitment to environmental care and conservation.  What small, good things can we do as church communities and as individuals to make a big difference? Caring for our world involves us giving something up or prioritising other things which sometimes calls for sacrifices in order to build a better future.

Like caring for the environment, following Jesus, is not the easiest choice but the right choice.  “Take up your cross and follow me” are some of Jesus’s most famous words. By choosing to follow Jesus, we are choosing a new way of living. As CS Lewis put it (in Mere Christianity): “the more we get ‘ourselves’ out of the way and let Jesus take us over, the more truly ourselves we become.” Jesus gives us the strength and courage to become truly ourselves and he guides us to become more like him. By embracing a simpler life we can rediscover a happier simpler and higher quality existence. A bit like reconnecting with nature, whether out walking in the countryside or pottering in the garden, we can feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. For me, following Jesus has the same effect because it enriches my life and gives me strength and great joy. Following Jesus is not always easy but in doing so, we can gain the ability to live in the present and have inner peace.

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in October

Sunday 6 October
11am Harvest Festival Holy Communion at Childerley Chapel with Revd Clare and Revd Lucinda Howard preaching.

We shall be collecting donations of food and toiletries for our local Foodbank.

Sunday 13 October
11am Morning Prayer, with Stephen Coates

Sunday 20 October
3pm Evening Prayer, with Stephen Coates

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.

Curate on Placement:
During October, we are being joined by the Curate of St Andrew’s Stapleford, Revd Lucinda Howard.  In addition to reflecting on her experiences and conversations with me, she may be asked to submit written theological reflections as part of her Curacy. In these, names of people, contexts, and identifying details will be changed and made anonymous so as to preserve confidentiality. Please do email Revd Clare if you wish to opt out.

What’s On

Tuesday Toddlers in the Cabin (St Mary’s, Hardwick)  
All welcome to join us for free play, craft, story and fun!

Saturday 12 October, 10.00am-12.00noon, Nature Walk at RSPB Fen Drayton

All are most welcome to join us for a morning’s guided nature walk, led by John Harding. We will be meeting in the Car Park at RSPB in Fen Drayton. There is a charge for parking; RSPB members can park for free. Please bring your binoculars! Please let Revd Clare know if you are planning to come or if you need a lift.

Useful Contacts

Churchwarden: Stephen Coates; caldecotechurchwarden@gmail.com

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org

September Newsletter

Dear Friends,

I hope you had a good summer and that you are now feeling refreshed and renewed, ready for all that is in store this Autumn. The farmers have certainly been busy over the last few weeks, bringing in the crops and often working late into the night. Traditionally Harvest is a time for us to celebrate and thank God for all the good things He gives us. Harvest is a time for us to thank our local farmers and farm workers, and all who work so hard, often over very long hours, to grow and distribute our food.  It is also a good time for us to be thankful for what we have, as well as to think of others and to help them in a practical way. Many Churches in the Lordsbridge Team support the local Foodbank Project, and local donations can be left either in the Porch at St Mary’s Church, Hardwick or in the collection box in St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Dry Drayton. All donated items are transported on a regular basis to Cambourne from where they go to the City Foodbank Depot to be formally weighed in, stored and reassembled into different-sized boxes to meet the needs of individuals and families, including those in Cambourne and the surrounding villages. Each box is carefully stocked to provide 3 days’ worth of nutritiously balanced meals, as well as a supply of food staples, toiletries and household products that will last much longer.  Looking further ahead, we will be collecting donations for the Foodbank at our annual Harvest Festival, at Childerley Chapel, on Sunday 6 October.

I hope you have a good September!

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in September

Sunday 1 September
11:00am Holy Communion with Revd Patrick Cotton.

Sunday 8 September
11:00am Morning Prayer in the Church, with Stephen Coates.

Sunday 15 September
3:00pm Evening Prayer in the Church, with Revd Clare and Stephen Coates.

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.

What’s On

Tuesday Toddlers in the Cabin (St Mary’s, Hardwick) is back on September 17th!  
All welcome to join us for free play, craft, story and fun!

Eco Church

During the Summer, we joined the A Rocha Eco Church scheme, and are very excited to announce that we have achieved a Bronze Award! We work very hard with very limited resources and a small congregation to best preserve the beautiful Church and its lovely rural setting. 

Our Church and churchyard are beautiful and many love walking through this part of a much cherished and ancient local landscape with its special trees and hedgerows in a unique and unspoilt valley location.  Maintaining good paths and access involves a lot of work and expenditure and this year’s weather conditions with the huge amounts of rain, followed by very hot weather, have added to rapid vegetation growth and other challenges.  The churchyard is also on a slope and the ground is very rough which adds to the complexity of maintaining it.  We are balancing public access and the place as a burial ground and following the national Church’s clear guidance on increasing biodiversity in churchyards. The Church of England is committed to seeing how biodiversity can be increased on Church land and we share that objective as a parish. 

have been advised that areas of churchyards should be left unmown to allow sward and rare species to grow up and flower.  The Church of England has published guidance for parishes on increasing biodiversity, which will form the basis for our planning.  This includes leaving areas of long grass, creating wildflower areas, putting bird and bat boxes up as well as installing a bug hotel (or two!), keeping bees and encouraging hedgehogs. We are currently developing a parish diversity action plan as well as cataloguing and finding ways to promote wildflower growth and provide habitats for animals and insects.  This has meant adjusting mowing plans with less frequent strimming and only maintaining paths.  Once our reports are ready, we will be sharing them on our website, and will update you in our monthly newsletters.

We welcome any newcomers to the team of volunteers who clean and maintain the Church if they would like to get involved.

The Big WCCYM Fundraiser

WCCYM has two main events planned for Saturday 21st September:

  • A sponsored walk from Hardwick to Ely (approx. 23 miles!).
  • A joint sponsored effort using rowing machines and exercise bikes at Comberton Sports and Arts, to row and cycle 50 miles (the distance to Ely and back) as a group.

If you would like to take part or offer sponsorship, please contact:
Susie Thomson, WCCYM Team Leader & Youth Worker: susie@wccym.org or Tel (mobile): 07714 324617

Useful Contacts

Churchwarden: Stephen Coates; caldecotechurchwarden@gmail.com

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org

Eco Church Award

During the Summer, we joined the A Rocha Eco Church scheme, and are very excited to announce that we have achieved a Bronze Award! We work very hard with very limited resources and a small congregation to best preserve the beautiful Church and its lovely rural setting. 

Our Church and churchyard are beautiful and many love walking through this part of a much cherished and ancient local landscape with its special trees and hedgerows in a unique and unspoilt valley location.  Maintaining good paths and access involves a lot of work and expenditure and this year’s weather conditions with the huge amounts of rain, followed by very hot weather, have added to rapid vegetation growth and other challenges.  The churchyard is also on a slope and the ground is very rough which adds to the complexity of maintaining it.  We are balancing public access and the place as a burial ground and following the national Church’s clear guidance on increasing biodiversity in churchyards. The Church of England is committed to seeing how biodiversity can be increased on Church land and we share that objective as a parish. 

We have been advised that areas of churchyards should be left unmown to allow sward and rare species to grow up and flower.  The Church of England has published guidance for parishes on increasing biodiversity, which will form the basis for our planning.  This includes leaving areas of long grass, creating wildflower areas, putting bird and bat boxes up as well as installing a bug hotel (or two!), keeping bees and encouraging hedgehogs. We are currently developing a parish diversity action plan as well as cataloguing and finding ways to promote wildflower growth and provide habitats for animals and insects.  This has meant adjusting mowing plans with less frequent strimming and only maintaining paths.  Once our reports are ready, we will be sharing them on our website, and will update you in our monthly newsletters.

We welcome any newcomers to the team of volunteers who clean and maintain the Church if they would like to get involved.

August Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Summer is here! And after what seems like months of rain, the sun has finally made a welcome appearance, just in time for the summer holidays. The Bible teaches us about the vital importance of weekly rest: one of God’s first commandments was to ensure that we take a day’s (sabbath) rest each week (Genesis 2:3). Psalm 23 also reminds us that God wants us to be restored and renewed by our time of rest with Him. August is traditionally a time to relax, rest, and recharge our batteries. A time for getting up later, maybe, with no need to rush to school – or to work! Finding balance in our busy lives is not easy. It’s a deliberate choice. Being still during our busier moments gives us the opportunity to rest, refocus on God and to receive His peace and energy for the day ahead. Summertime is the perfect opportunity for us to make more time to be with God. To experience His peace and calm, and to ‘just be’ in His presence. Enjoy quiet time each day with God and know that he is always with you, no matter what.

I hope you have a wonderful Summer and that you enjoy time off with your families and friends.

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in August and September

Sunday 4 August
11:00am Holy Communion, with Revd Charles Fraser.

Sunday 11 August
11:00am Morning Prayer, with Stephen Coates.

Sunday 21 August
3.00pm Evening Prayer, with Revd Clare Coates

Sunday 1 September
11:00am Holy Communion with Revd Patrick Cotton.

Please Note: Revd Clare is on holiday from 19 August to 1 September, and back to work on Monday 2 September.

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.

Useful Contacts

Churchwarden: Stephen Coates; caldecotechurchwarden@gmail.com

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org

July Newsletter

Dear Friends,

After six long weeks of campaigning, the General Election is underway as I write this morning. Whatever your political persuasion, today is an important day because it gives us all the opportunity to ‘have our say’ in the way our Nation is governed. We are blessed in this country to have the opportunity to participate in elections without fear, and in the knowledge we are free to vote for whomever we please. Many countries around the world do not give their citizens this opportunity; many face violence, intimidation and recriminations. Many are denied the opportunity at all. Voting has not always been a universal right in this country. My great Grandmother fought for the right for women to vote, and alongside her fellow suffragettes, she was willing to suffer for this right. She was imprisoned several times and was force fed. But she never gave up. Likewise, working men fought for the right to vote, which was a privilege granted only to male property holders over a certain age before the twentieth century. The universal right to vote for all men over 18 and for all women over 30 was achieved in 1918 – incredibly only just over 100 years ago. Many of those who fought for our right to vote were dedicated and faithful Christians. Today, many Christians carry forward their belief that all people are equal in God’s sight: equally loved; each uniquely made in God’s image. God looks deeply into our hearts and is pleased when He finds love, kindness, compassion and integrity there. Doing the best we can for others each day and our love for others is expressed in the way we treat others, and in this way we are following in Jesus’s footsteps. I have a deep conviction that Jesus’s way – the way of love, mercy, compassion and kindness – is the best way we can express our faith in action. I want to live in a society where, like Jesus, people prioritise the care of others, especially those in need of help, and where people’s wellbeing is always a key priority.

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in July and August

Sunday 7 July
11:00am Holy Communion, with Revd Clare. All welcome.

Sunday 14 July
11:00am Morning Prayer in the Church, with Stephen Coates. All welcome.

Sunday 21 July
No service

Please note: Revd Clare is on holiday from 22 July to 4 August, and back to work on Monday 5 August.

Sunday 4 August
11:00am Holy Communion with Revd Charles Fraser. All welcome.

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.

What’s On

Useful Contacts

Churchwarden: Stephen Coates; caldecotechurchwarden@gmail.com

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org