July Newsletter

Dear Friends,

After six long weeks of campaigning, the General Election is underway as I write this morning. Whatever your political persuasion, today is an important day because it gives us all the opportunity to ‘have our say’ in the way our Nation is governed. We are blessed in this country to have the opportunity to participate in elections without fear, and in the knowledge we are free to vote for whomever we please. Many countries around the world do not give their citizens this opportunity; many face violence, intimidation and recriminations. Many are denied the opportunity at all. Voting has not always been a universal right in this country. My great Grandmother fought for the right for women to vote, and alongside her fellow suffragettes, she was willing to suffer for this right. She was imprisoned several times and was force fed. But she never gave up. Likewise, working men fought for the right to vote, which was a privilege granted only to male property holders over a certain age before the twentieth century. The universal right to vote for all men over 18 and for all women over 30 was achieved in 1918 – incredibly only just over 100 years ago. Many of those who fought for our right to vote were dedicated and faithful Christians. Today, many Christians carry forward their belief that all people are equal in God’s sight: equally loved; each uniquely made in God’s image. God looks deeply into our hearts and is pleased when He finds love, kindness, compassion and integrity there. Doing the best we can for others each day and our love for others is expressed in the way we treat others, and in this way we are following in Jesus’s footsteps. I have a deep conviction that Jesus’s way – the way of love, mercy, compassion and kindness – is the best way we can express our faith in action. I want to live in a society where, like Jesus, people prioritise the care of others, especially those in need of help, and where people’s wellbeing is always a key priority.

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in July and August

Sunday 7 July
11:00am Holy Communion, with Revd Clare. All welcome.

Sunday 14 July
11:00am Morning Prayer in the Church, with Stephen Coates. All welcome.

Sunday 21 July
No service

Please note: Revd Clare is on holiday from 22 July to 4 August, and back to work on Monday 5 August.

Sunday 4 August
11:00am Holy Communion with Revd Charles Fraser. All welcome.

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.

What’s On

Useful Contacts

Churchwarden: Stephen Coates; caldecotechurchwarden@gmail.com

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org

June Newsletter

Dear Friends,

What a difference the sunshine makes! It’s been wonderful to have some warm spring weather at last after what feels like endless rain! The Churchyard has benefitted from both the warmth and the rain, and it is looking very pretty with the long grass areas dotted with buttercups, forget me nots, and nettles, which are a magnet for insects. We recently held Café Church in the Churchyard and conducted a survey, discovering lots of different flowers, wildflowers, shrubs and trees including wild primroses, forget-me-nots, daisies, buttercups and violets. We even host our own rookery! And the rooks are very busy nesting and feeding their young. We also spotted beautiful orange tip butterflies, bumble bees and ladybirds. We have a resident population of bats, and undoubtedly are visited by foxes, badgers and hedgehogs. We are very keen to encourage wildlife and are working hard to increase our biodiversity. No mow May has been observed in the hope of encouraging wildlife to flourish! We will also be looking into the Eco Church awards run by the Christian environmental organisation A Rocha, with the aim of trying to achieve the bronze award. Do keep an eye out on our website as we move forward with this exciting project! I hope you have a wonderful June and I look forward to seeing you soon.

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in June

2 June
11:00am Holy Communion, with Revd Clare. All welcome.

9 June
11:00am Morning Prayer in the Church, with Stephen Coates. All welcome.

16 June
3:00pm Evening Prayer at St Michael and All Angels Church. With Revd Clare. All welcome.

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.


Hamper Scheme
Caldecote Church partners with our local primary school to offer a supermarket voucher to Caldecote families who might appreciate some help through the holidays. If you would like to donate to this scheme, please see the link below:

Donate to Caldecote’s Summer Hamper Scheme

What’s On

Useful Contacts

Churchwarden: Stephen Coates; caldecotechurchwarden@gmail.com

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org

May Newsletter

Dear Friends,

I really enjoyed taking part in my first Walk. Run. Cycle 10km sponsored walk in April. Stephen and I set off early with our dog, Sasha, catching the number 4 bus, and making it into town in plenty of time for the 10am start. It was wonderful to see so many friends ready to make the 10km walk back to St Mary’s and we were blessed with a beautiful, sunny spring morning. We walked through the heart of historic Cambridge, to the West Cambridge site, and on to Coton, greeted enroute by lots of friendly stewards, pointing us in the right direction (and not allowing any deviations or shortcuts through the fields!). The two hours sped by as we walked, chatted and laughed our way home, to be greeted by a wonderful lunch of hotdogs and scones. My grateful thanks to all the team who planned, organised and ran this successful event, and to all those who took part, and especially to all those who have generously donated to our repairs fund. To date, the total raised stands at an incredible £4,000!

There is something incredibly spiritual about walking with friends – and making new ones along the way. Later in the month I will be leading our annual Lordsbridge Pilgrimage walk, on Friday 17 May, starting at 7:30am in Coton! I am very much looking forward to visiting all the churches in the Team again, and to chatting with my fellow pilgrims enroute. Please do join us if you can, even if it’s just for a short stretch, or to welcome us home to Dry Drayton, where the Pilgrimage ends with a short service of Evening Prayer at approximately 6pm. Walkers joining us at Caldecote, please bring a packed lunch as we will be stopping at the Old Rectory to rest and eat at approximately 1pm before setting off for Toft.  People go on pilgrimage for as many reasons as there are pilgrims!  For Christians, going on pilgrimage involves a search for a deeper spirituality and for a closer connection to God. It is also a great adventure, with the chance to meet new people and to see new places. To set aside time for God and feel closer to Him; to discern His will and guidance; and to be strengthened in faith. Going on pilgrimage can give us a new sense of awareness and wonder. Or result in a greater sense of our life’s purpose. Pilgrimage helps us to focus on ‘what really matters’ and to rediscover the joy of giving and generosity. I look forward to seeing you along the way!

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in May

Sunday 5 May
11:00am Holy Communion, with Revd Clare

Sunday 12 May
11:00am Morning Prayer in the Church, with Stephen Coates

Sunday 19 May
3:00-:004pm Café Church in the Village Hall with Revd Clare and Stephen Coates. We will be exploring our beautiful churchyard and thinking about God’s creation. All welcome.

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.


Hamper Scheme
Caldecote Church partners with our local primary school to offer a supermarket voucher to Caldecote families who might appreciate some help through the holidays. If you would like to donate to this scheme, please see the link below:

Donate to Caldecote’s Summer Hamper Scheme

What’s On

Useful Contacts

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org

April Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Happy Easter! It is such a wonderful time of the year, with our gardens, hedgerows, churchyard and surrounding countryside bursting into life. The daffodils have been especially lovely this year. Spring has definitely arrived and it is so good to have warmer days and longer nights again after a rather wet and windy winter. We are now entering Easter season in the church calendar, a time to celebrate and rejoice, giving thanks to Jesus for all that he did for us.  Easter gives us great hope, encouragement, joy and peace, no matter how difficult things may have been for us over the past year. The Easter message – that Jesus is alive and has defeated death – gives us tangible hope that doesn’t disappoint; and it gives us the strength we need whatever we are facing. Easter is a reminder to us that just as spring flowers are bursting into new life, we too can look forward with hope. Jesus who was crucified has risen. By the power of God, Jesus rose from the dead and is alive, and in his rising allows us not only to start afresh here and now in this life but offers us the hope and promise of eternal life with him.

Wishing you a very happy April,

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in April

Sunday 7th April

Sunday 21st April
3:00-4:00pm Café Church at St Michael and All Angels Church, with Rev’d Clare and Stephen Coates. We will be exploring our beautiful churchyard and thinking about God’s creation. All welcome.

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.


Hamper Scheme
Caldecote Church partners with our local primary school to offer a supermarket voucher to Caldecote families who might appreciate some help through the holidays. If you would like to donate to this scheme, please see the link below:

Donate to Caldecote’s Summer Hamper Scheme

What’s On

Easter Monday 1st April
Childerley Open Gardens

All are most welcome to come and enjoy visiting the beautiful gardens at Childerley Hall, in aid of St Michael and All Angels Church, Caldecote. There will be refreshments available and well behaved dogs on leads are welcome. Entrance £5 adults, children under 16 free.

Saturday 4th May, Come and Sing Faure’s Requiem at St Peter and St Paul’s Dry Drayton

Useful Contacts

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org

March Newsletter

Dear Friends,

It is wonderful to see so many daffodils emerging, brightening up our hedgerows, gardens and churchyard. I am looking forward to warmer and longer days in the coming weeks! Looking ahead, we are once again fundraising for the church at Childerley Hall’s Open Gardens on Easter Monday, from 2-5pm – please see ‘What’s on’ below, for further details. Childerley gardens are particularly beautiful in the Spring, and all are most welcome to come and explore the grounds and drop in to the chapel for tea and cake!

We are nearly at our half way point in Lent, with Mothering Sunday on March 10 this year. Please do join us at one of our services in the Lordsbridge Team, as there will be no church service in Caldecote this year. Mothering Sunday is a time for us to celebrate, honour and give thanks for our mothers and for all who have cared for us. For many of us, it’s a hard day as we may be remembering those no longer with us; or we may have no immediate family. No matter what our circumstances, we all belong to God’s family. A family which stands by one another and looks after one another, no matter what.

I hope you have a wonderful March, and a very Happy Easter!

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in March

Sunday 3rd March
11:00am Holy Communion at St Michael and All Angels Church with Rev’d Clare. All welcome.

Sunday 17th March
3:00-4:00pm Café Church the Village Hall with Rev’d Clare. All welcome.

Good Friday 29th March
3:00-4:00pm An hour at the Cross, at Childerley Chapel, Childerley Hall, with Rev’d Clare. All welcome.

Sunday 24th March, Palm Sunday
11:00am Holy Communion, followed by our APCM, with Rev’d Clare. All welcome.

Sunday 31st March, Easter Day
11:00am Holy Communion, with Rev’d Clare. All welcome

Saturday 2nd March, Quiet Morning
10:00am-12:30pm at St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Dry Drayton with Rev’d Priscilla. All welcome.

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service
Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.


Hamper Scheme
Caldecote Church partners with our local primary school to offer a supermarket voucher to Caldecote families who might appreciate some help through the holidays. If you would like to donate to this scheme, please see the link below:

Donate to Caldecote’s Summer Hamper Scheme

What’s On

Easter Monday 1st April
Childerley Open Gardens

All are most welcome to come and enjoy visiting the beautiful gardens at Childerley Hall, in aid of St Michael and All Angels Church, Caldecote. There will be refreshments available and well behaved dogs on leads are welcome.

Saturday 4th May, Come and Sing Faure’s Requiem at St Peter and St Paul’s Dry Drayton

Useful Contacts

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org

February Newsletter

Dear Friends,

February sees the start of the season of Lent: the six weeks before Easter when Christians are called to spend time reflecting and praying. It’s a season when we intentionally seek to grow spiritually; a time to stop, think, slow down and wait on God, refocusing on Him. Each Lent God calls us to return to Him. To know, receive and be comforted by His goodness and mercy. Lent is not really about what we give up, but where our hearts are directed. This Lent, I will be following the Church of England’s Watch and Pray Lent course which invites us all to wait in hope for God to meet us in the storms and trials life brings. We will have copies of the reflections in church should you wish to join in, so please feel free to take a copy for your own private time of reflection and prayer. The booklet will be accompanied by a wide range of video resources available via cofe.io/WatchAndPray. This season of self examination and reflection can give us hope and a renewed sense of being, because through life’s many ups and downs, God promises to be with us. Always.

God Bless,


Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in February

4 February
11:00am Holy Communion at St Michael and All Angels Church with Rev’d Clare and Beth Keenan preaching. All welcome

18 February
3:00-4:00pm Café Church the Village Hall with Rev’d Clare. All welcome


ASH WEDNESDAY 14 February at St Peter and St Paul’s Dry Drayton
12 noon Holy Communion and ashing with Rev’d Clare. All welcome

Saturday 2 March Quiet Morning
10-12:30 at St Peter and St Paul’s Church Dry Drayton with Rev’d Priscilla. All welcome.

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service

Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.


Hamper Scheme
Caldecote Church partners with our local primary school to offer a supermarket voucher to Caldecote families who might appreciate some help through the holidays. If you would like to donate to this scheme, please see the link below:

Donate to Caldecote’s Summer Hamper Scheme

What’s On

Dry Drayton Musical Events
Saturday 3 February at 5:30pm in St Peter and St Paul’s Church, a Recital by the Alea Quartet featuring Mozart String Quartet no. 19 K465. Tickets at the door – for more details please see the poster below:

Useful Contacts

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org

January Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! As we embark on this New Year – 2024 – I wonder: what journey of faith is God calling us on? Each of us may face difficult challenges and unexpected diversions: we can’t predict the year ahead. Our recent experiences have shown us that anything and everything can happen. But going on a faith journey with God is a positive, exciting thing. It can give us purpose and meaning; it can be challenging but most importantly it can give us hope, for a better and brighter today and tomorrow. We don’t know what journey God is taking us on this year. But we can be certain that God who calls us is faithful and promises always to be with us, especially when we can’t sense His presence. As we settle into this New Year, whether we have set goals or not, let’s endeavour to step out in faith, seeking God and following Him wherever He calls us to.

God Bless,


Revd Clare Coates,
Lead Minister for Caldecote with Childerley, Dry Drayton and Hardwick



Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and see what we are up to across the team!

Instagram: @lordsbridge_team

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LordsbridgeTeam

Services in January

7 January
11:00am Holy Communion at St Michael and All Angels Church

21 January
3:00-4:00pm Café Church the Village Hall with Revd Clare

Worship at Home – All Lordsbridge Zoom Service

Every Sunday, 11.00am. Join any time from 10.50am: https://zoom.us/j/82311473640.

On Sundays where there is no service in our church, you are most welcome to join any of our services across the team: please see our website www.lordsbridge.org for further details.


Hamper Scheme
Caldecote Church partners with our local primary school to offer a supermarket voucher to Caldecote families who might appreciate some help through the holidays. If you would like to donate to this scheme, please see the link below:

Donate to Caldecote’s Summer Hamper Scheme

What’s On

Dry Drayton Musical Events
Saturday 3 February at 5:30pm in St Peter and St Paul’s Church, a Recital by the Alea Quartet featuring Mozart String Quartet no. 19 K465. Tickets at the door – for more details please see the poster below:

Useful Contacts

Revd Claire Robertson, Lead Minister for Coton, Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield: 01223 874194; clairerobertson@lordsbridge.org

Revd Charles Fraser, Lead Minister for Little and Great Eversden: charlesfraser@lordsbridge.org; 01223 264974

Team Administrator: Becca Herrick; rebeccaherrick@lordsbridge.org