Opportunity this Saturday (14th Oct)

How can our church become a church that meets with compassion those who have been hurt by abuse and is ready to travel patiently alongside them? 

Note: Start time is confirmed as 9am 

This Saturday morning we have arranged for a trainer from Ely to come to our parish to give a training course on safeguarding. Safeguarding is about understanding how to recognise when a child or a vulnerable adult is suffering abuse – whether it’s physical, sexual or emotional abuse – and knowing what steps to take to help protect them.

The course is in two parts – you are welcome to attend just the first part (9.30am to 11.30am) or both parts (9.00am to 1.30pm). Anyone can come – please drop a note to Dona McCullagh on dona@dmccullagh.co.uk so that we can ensure enough training manuals are brought along for you.

There is also a basic introductory course which you can take online ahead of Saturday’s in-person training – sign up here for the C0 basic awareness course.