The Signs are Good!

Following the success of our “Have a Seat!” appeal, thanks to which we have 24 new padded chairs already delivered to the church, we’re launching a new appeal: “The Signs are Good!”  Can you help us to build up a printing fund to make our noticeboards objects of beauty?

Donate now to make a difference:

Just £10 gift-aided will help us buy an A1-size poster printed on vinyl, meaning that they can be used over and over, giving us great value for the money donated.

  1. We have a brand new chalkboard on the grass verge outside the church which also holds posters to advertise events and services and to help visitors find the church easily….
  2. We have a designer to give us free professional designs
  3. Now we just need a Poster Printing Fund to bring them to life!

We are also looking to print waterproof posters for our noticeboards in the porch and village. We want them to be a thing of beauty as well as source of good information!

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