Do you ever feel like the bible readings wash over you and when it comes to the sermon you wish you’d listened harder? Well, here’s a chance to read ahead and give your brain more of a chance on the day!
The two Bible readings for our fifth Sunday (April 30th) service are:
Ezekiel 37:1-14
Acts 2:14a, 36-41
Have a read and a think over a cup of tea – and you’ll find you’re able to get more from them when they are read in church.
The morning prayer service (traditional version) also gives us the opportunity to read a psalm together. Since we don’t read the Psalms very often, and they can be difficult to get a handle on if you’re not familiar with them, we’ve put together a handout with the text of the psalm and accompanying introductory notes, which you are welcome to download here.
The notes are courtesy of the Revd Dr Philip Jenson, who is an expert on the Psalms and will be taking our service this week.
All Bible-related posts