Mother’s Day Runaways

Mother’s Day Runaways is for those who find Mother’s Day difficult, offering a safe space to meet with God and be reminded that you’re not alone.

Date: Sunday 11th March
Time: 7.45pm
Venue: Sidewalk Coffee shop (Furlong Way, Highfields Caldecote CB23 7AA)

Whatever your story, whether you’re grieving the loss of a mother, the loss of a child, or a baby through miscarriage, whether you’re struggling with infertility or childlessness, singleness or a difficult relationship, whether you never even knew your mother or any other reason why you might find Mother’s Day painful, this quiet, reflective space has been designed with you in mind.

It will be an informal gathering: (free) Sidewalk filter coffee will be served from 7.45pm. From 8pm we will offer poetry, reflection, and simple optional activities (including writing names on a tree of remembrance, lighting candles, colouring mindful pictures) all designed to acknowledge the bittersweet emotions surrounding Mother’s Day, offering the space to grieve, teaching us how to lament and inviting the God who loves us into our stories of struggle.

Come and sit in stillness, or join in as much or as little as feels comfortable.

For more details contact Beth on or 01954 214518.