Planning for the future of Caldecote Church

Read about the financial situation of our parish church, have your questions answered, and find out about our plan for the future.

On this page:

  1. A summary of our financial situation
  2. What’s needed?
  3. Your questions:
    1. What about the Friends money?
    2. What are our biggest outgoings?
    3. How is the church funded?
  4. What’s the plan?
  5. How has the plan gone so far?
  6. How can you help?



A Summary of our situation

We have been incredibly grateful to Simon Gautrey, whose work on our accounts has given us a clear picture of where we stand financially.

The first year of his work saw us get on top of Gift Aid claims, up-to-date with expenses payments, and generally get us on a good administrative footing. The past year has enabled us therefore to see a year played out in our accounts and, for the first time, what we may have suspected before became very clear – we are running year on year at a deficit that is not sustainable.

While the building restoration fund is healthy, thanks to the fundraising of the Friends of Caldecote Church, led by Roger Sylvester-Bradley, this is ring-fenced for one-off improvements and repairs.

As a parish church we receive no funding from the national church or from the government, and so all our daily expenses – including our share of the costs of having a vicar – have to be met by financial gifts. It is now clear that our service collections and standing order donations are no longer enough to cover these costs.

Without a vicar we can’t be there for those life moments in the parish, whether they be weddings, christenings, funerals or simply offering a place for weekly worship and seasonal gatherings at Christmas and Easter.

And so – we have a plan!



What’s needed?

In order to be sustainable, our treasurer’s estimate is that we need to increase our income on the daily running account by £7000 a year (c.£600 a month). However, we do not have the tagline ‘the little church with a big vision’ for nothing! At our annual meeting, I put forward a plan, which I’d like to share with you here today.

Our strategy is to break this down into smaller chunks, so that we can set realistic targets using a number of potential sources of funds. When you do that, as you’ll see, the vision of being a sustainable church for our local parish can very feasibly become a reality.



Your questions

Before we delve into the plan, I’ve thought of 3 questions you might have, so we’ll answer them for you!




So what’s the plan?

I’ve broken down the target of £7,000 into small achievable chunks, none of which are over-ambitious. We are a small church made up of busy people with limited resources of time and money, and the key to a successful plan is that it can be sustained for many years to come.
As the months go by and this plan begins to bear fruit, the plan itself may evolve accordingly, but as a starting outline, I have put together the following strategy for increasing our funds:



How has the plan gone so far?

The plan has in fact already started, and we’ve already increased our annual income in the running account by £2800.

That’s before most people even knew about this financial plan, so as you can see, the target of £7000 really is achievable – we now need to increase our annual income by £4,200.

Here’s how that increased income of £2,800 breaks down, with reference to the four headings in the table above:

Largely through a new approach to publicising our events, we have over the past year raised the additional £1000 required (this isn’t counting the money raised by Caldecote Open Gardens, which went into the building restoration account).

Regular Giving
I have shared the plan with a handful of people, and four people have already increased their giving by direct debit, which is already adding up:

Sunday Collections
Over the past year, we’ve achieved the target of a £120 increase in the collection plate at Christmas and Easter services.

Gift Aid
The additional income from regular giving and Sunday Collections has raised an extra £30 per month (£360 annually) in Gift Aid income.



How can you help?

If you can join us in making a regular gift – however small – as you can see from the table, it won’t actually take many of us to make a difference and put this little church on a good footing for the future.

There are two ways you can give by direct debit:

  1. Set up a direct debit using your visa or mastercard at BT MyDonate
  2. Set up a direct debit from your bank account. Click here to email us your name and mailing address and we’ll send you a Parish Giving Scheme direct debit form.


Questions about direct debit?


A “thank you”

Caldecote Church is a special place serving the local community in a quiet but committed way, offering a place to worship, a caring congregation and a place for the key moments in the lives of the people who live in the parish, from special seasonal services to christenings and weddings.

If you decide to set up a monthly direct debit – however small – thank you for helping to make Caldecote Church sustainable so that we can continue to serve and minister to the parish of Caldecote and Childerley.

Dona McCullagh
Churchwarden and Parish Giving Officer